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(60) Promedio: 3

Mission, Vision, Objectives

Logo Fogacoop


Mission: We are the administrative entity of the of savers’ deposit insurance in the Colombian financial cooperative sector. By means of permanent and efficient soundness of the company's assets and it´s financial and operative, we grant support for the sound growth and sustainability of this sector of the country through the implementation of different operations to which the Fund is authorized for.
Logo Fogacoop


Vision - Main Goal: We contribute to the achievement of life-long projects of savers in the cooperative sector, promoting trust and protecting their deposits.

Logo Fogacoop


Purpose: To protect the depositors and savers’ trust in the cooperatives registered by preserving balance and economic equity and preventing associates and administrators’ acceptance of unjustified economic benefits or benefits of any other nature which causes damage to cooperatives. In the development of this purpose, FOGACOOP will act as the administrator of deposit insurance funds, and of the rest of bonds and funds that are to be created with the aim of handling different risks associated to financial cooperative activities. Administration of such funds and bonds must be designated to the Fund and must not correspond by law to any other entity.